The Presidential Years

BBC voiced edit:

Cardiff Castle: Madiba reciting Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with school children; choir singing Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika;

Madiba Soundbite: “I will be able to tell my people that, in the people of Wales, we have friends indeed ready to join hands as partners in building a better life for all. I thank you.” EU Summit in Wales, Madiba dancing with the choir

Madiba at his children’s party, greets a child in a wheelchair

Madiba painting a picture, kissing a child and painting her face

Painting another child’s face

Harlem Globetrotters’ demonstration

Madiba meets the Harlem Globetrotters

Little boy shouts for ‘Madiba’

Madiba takes a shot at goal

Blows out the candles on his cake

Children sing for him

Madiba cuts the cake

APTN footage at Qunu 25 December 1995

People dancing on grounds of the Union Buildings

Carrying a coffin reading ‘free at last’

Madiba and De Klerk walking down the steps into Union Buildings’ courtyard to the assembled media (January 1994)

De Klerk (standing next to Madiba with Cyril Ramaphosa and Roelf Meyer standing behind them) talking about violence, specifically on the East Rand and ‘Natal’

Madiba: ‘Thank you. You will see that none of us has got a blue eye. We conducted these discussions in a spirit of reconciliation. I expressed grave concern to Mr De Klerk about the incident on Sunday where our secretary general Comrade Cyril Ramaphosa and the chairman of the South African Communist Party were shot at. Comrade Ramaphosa is one of the principle figures in the negotiation process and that [such an] action has taken place against him was a matter of, is a matter of grave concern to us.

Questioner interrupts Madiba and asks De Klerk what areas were covered in their talks

De Klerk says they concentrated on the violence and the socio-economic dysfunction in the violence wracked areas.

De Klerk and Madiba shake hands

The group leaves and Madiba stays behind

Madiba: “Well before I answer any questions I would like to say that the question that has been raised here with Mr De Klerk, has been put to me and many other politicians on numerous occasions”

Voice-over pictures of Union Buildings at inauguration

Madiba arrives at his inauguration with his daughter Zenani

Madiba takes the oath, signs, shakes De Klerk’s hand

Various shots of crowds and cut-aways as prayers are recited

Extracts of Madiba’s speech

Walter Sisulu walks across the stage and shakes his hand

National anthems, fly pasts

Various shots of the crowds on the lawn

Crowd chants ‘Nelson, Nelson’

Madiba, Mbeki and De Klerk arrive at the stage on the lawns

Madiba dances

Various shots of Madiba at home being served breakfast, at the house, in his office and being briefed by Jessie Duarte as shotlisted elsewhere in this document


Madiba led by Gen Siphiwe Nyanda at his 85th birthday at his house

Thabo Mbeki briefs the media about the birthday

Madiba greeting children at his party as previously shot listed

Opening of Nelson Mandela Bridge as previously shot listed

Madiba HIV message as previously shot listed

Edited HIV message with other shots

Madiba arrives at a Blue iQ event with Joburg Mayor Amos Masondo and Mbazima Shilowa

Cut-aways of guests (Vimla)

Madiba: “I have no doubt that each and every one of you who is hear can say with authority and confidence that I have travelled this long road to freedom. I trust I did not falter. I made missteps along the way but I have discovered the secret that after crossing a great hill one only finds that there are many more hills to cross. I have taken a rest here for a moment to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back where I came. But I can only rest for a moment because with freedom comes responsibilities. I dare not linger for the road to freedom is not yet ended. I thank you.”

Madiba and Shilowa unveil a monument of the Nelson Mandela Bridge

Walter Sisulu on Madiba – a fighter, a peace-maker

Walter Sisulu in a car

A BBC interviewer asks him what he thinks Madiba has achieved:

WS Yes, I think that the President has achieved great things in South Africa. He has united the people at a time when we needed it. And he’s a man who has got a correct approach to people. He’s agreeable, he’s not a controversial man yet he can be hard when it comes to that.

Q: Is he, under that exterior, a very tough person?

WS: Very tough person. Very tough person and I think there are very few people who’ve got the qualities of Nelson. Nelson is a fighter, Nelson is a peacemaker

Q: A fighter and a peacemaker?

WS: Yes. And I think that because of that he has left a legacy, education for the people, unity and love. Our country can serve as an example. That’s all I want to say.

School children walking past a clinic

Madiba arrives at a clinic

Sits next to Walter and Albertina Sisulu

It’s a meeting of the Albertina Sisulu Foundation

Madiba stands up and talks: “Well I have with me, the three friends here. … now I have Mr Steven Barker the MD for Greenwich Securities and then Colin Firth also from the same company and Mark [?] from the same company.

School children and others cheering and chanting ‘ANC ANC’

Madiba walks and waves

Meets and shakes hands with various people

Various edited shots with music soundtrack of Robben Island , apartheid archive, Soweto uprising, Madiba’s release, Kings park, Codesa, Madiba voting, inauguration, with world leaders, rugby and football victories with Madiba, in parliament, at rallies

Repeat of same

16 June 1999:

Various at a farewell dinner to Madiba hosted by Thabo Mbeki ?16 June 1999

Supporting Clinton

Voiced piece from ABC Australia (23 September 1998) in support of Clinton – Martin Luther King Junior’s daughter and Madiba:

“Our morality does not allow us to desert our friends.”

He spoke of instructions he received from the President of Zambia: “I want you to support President Clinton. He said I’m speaking for the continent of Africa.”

Shot of Madiba getting dizzy at a Canada Business Summit dinner and has to sit down

Jakes Gerwel speaks: “At the conclusion of his speech. He had been examined by his physician who travels with him and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him, we’re happy to say but he is very exhausted. Not surprisingly his programme the last four weeks has been pretty demanding.”

Receiving the Congressional Gold Medal from President Clinton

Mdiba’s speech at farewell dinner

Madiba walks to the podium:

“Thank you. President Mbeki

President Mbeki;

Your Majesties; Your Royal Highnesses; Excellencies; Distinguished Guests;

Ladies and Gentlemen. I had no idea that I would be invited to address you. By a cabinet minister who is on the way out. I now realise why I also am on the way out I think I was not very careful in choosing my comrade. Next time, [laughter]. Next time at the end of the next five years when I challenge for the presidency, I will make sure that I select people who’ll make it possible for me to be a president for life [laughter and applause].

When we chose the date of South Africa's second democratic elections, we were guided by many practical and legal considerations. It was however a matter of chance that it fell on a date which dictated that we should inaugurate our new President on our national Youth Day.

And yet no occasion could be more appropriate than this day on which we commemorate the struggle and sacrifice in the name of human dignity; this day on which we also celebrate the renewal of our society and its aspirations, in our youth and in the succession of generations.”

APTN cut piece: Madiba’s release, Madiba walking in the quarry on the Island, voting, inauguration, with Queen Elizabeth, dancing with Tokyo Sexwale, Rugby World Cup, widows of previous presidents, Kathrada typing

Kathrada soundbite about Madiba: “Free of any hatred, free of bitterness, free of any idea of revenge or recrimination. Let us, while we cannot forget the past but we can forgive. And let us look to the future. And I think that one meeting I think said it all.”

Winnie Mandela press conference; Madiba and Graca dancing at his 80th birthday party (the day after they were married); Madiba and Graca at their traditional wedding; his last sitting of Parliament, Madiba singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to small children, at his farewell breakfast to the media, with a soundbite [not M45]

“I would like to return to my village and to be able to walk around the valleys and the little hills and the streams around which I grew up.”

Shots of Madiba walking through villages around Qunu

WTN edit:

Shot of Tuynhuys

Zindzi hugging Mrs Machel (on the day of their wedding), Zenani with her arm around Madiba, Makgatho also there. Family dancing and singing around the couple. Zindzi hugging Madiba

Madiba posing with his family

Makgatho: “I would like to say thank you for having been a wonderful father to all of us – for all the efforts that he’s put to bring us up and looking after us, the whole family so well.”

Madiba and Graca walking together

80th birthday cake

Madiba sitting at table with Graca and older family members

Madiba’s encourages grandsons to blow out his candles

Thabo Mbeki to the media: (announcing marriage of Mandela and Graca Machel)

“Well, I have a very very short announcement to make today and very happy one that President Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel got married this afternoon. The civil ceremony was conducted by the Chief Magistrate of Johannesburg . The couple were blessed yesterday the Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris and the religious ceremony today was conducted by the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Bishop Mvume Dandala who was assisted by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu as well as Sheikh Nazim Mohamed, the President of the Muslim Judicial Council and Mrs Nanchand of the Hindu faith. Mrs Mandela will continue to use the name, Mrs Machel. She will continue to use the name Graca Machel. And because of work that she still has to do in Mozambique, the President and the wife will continue to live in the way that they have up to now so she will not be moving out of Mozambique but they will be commuting as they have been commuting for some months now. I think that’s all.

Madiba next to a young lady from Ktv who gets children to sing Happy Birthday for his 80th birthday party for children

He cuts his cake

Children sing for him ‘You’re so special, You’re a shining star’

He hugs the children

M18, Duration: 59:28

Original Source

Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, Johannesburg